
did she say yes?

So, when you excitedly tell someone "I gave my girlfriend a ring," or even better yet, "I got engaged," everybody asks "Did she say yes?" This is a here's your sign thing. It's funny in its own stupid sort of way. First off, I would say something along the line of I purposed, or offered a ring. If I gave it to her, she obviously accepted it, and even dumber is the response to I got engaged. Oh well.

The point is, I'm very excited about it, and I'm now engaged to a beautiful young lady who is an incredible human being to me and everyone else around her.

In addition, I didn't post it here CmdrTaco style, nor did I have it engraved on an iPod, nor did I even feed it to, or in any other way attach it to our dog. I gave it to her the old fashioned way, in private, on one knee, and with more sincerity than cuteness.

So there.

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