
the tale of two linux reviews

ok, I'm gonna blog this stuff. Hopefully.

I'm doing two tipmonkies big reviews right now. After all the traffic generated from the linux distro's review i did, we had an offer from No Starch Press to do book reviews. This is the same company that did the Absolute BSD book that I loved, so I was all over it. I got the first book (hopefully of many) today, and its Linux Music and Sound. It already looks very good, but it's from 2000. For a linux software book that would be like getting a 60's book on cars. So I decided to set up two systems in my lab. A PII 450 running redhat 7.3 and a Celeron 2.4 running the newest Ubuntu. Hopefully this will let me judge the book both on how it applied when written, and how well it still applies.

The second project is a live cd distro review. We had lots of requests for this. Martin is going to do Deb/Knoppix based ones, I will do all of the others. I currently have downloaded about 10 different ones. I have two more coming through bit torrent right now. The idea is to get a bunch and pick the half-dozen or so most valid for the reviews. It will probably also be a dual machine review, both on my laptop (mainly to check for WiFi support) and on the Celeron box.

The reason I have no plans for this stuff on my main box?
I currently have an 11 Day, 21 Hour, 36 Minute uptime. And it's Windows XP! :)

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