
New netbook

I picked up an Acer Aspire One netbook at Target last week, on sale for $220 with a free case. 1.66Ghz Atom CPU, 1GB DDR3 RAM, 250GB HDD. I upped the RAM to 2GB, and installed Ubuntu 11.04. Resized the hard drive to keep the Windows install on it if I ever need it.

I would like to move away from Ubuntu, and use Arch or Crunchbang or pure Debian, but I don't have time to mess with setup right now. I used Crunchbang recently on my Macbook, and got everything working except suspend. Crunchbang is almost pure Deb out of the box, so I expect the same problem, and Arch will certainly be more setup. I did however setup Openbox in a very Crunchbang-like setup, and things are working well so far. Because I had some interest about the setup after posting a screenshot on Twitter this weekend, I'll follow up with a post containing some info on what I'm using.

So far I think this has a better chance of staying around a while than the Asus I picked up a year or so ago. I haven't really used my MacBook at all in the mean time.

Hi three years later

Been mostly using tumblr lately, but it is blocked from where I work (Fidelity) so I'm just going to try to cut the friction to posting by posting here some.